ABM Skin & Laser Centre

ABM Skin & Laser Centre






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(中環站:A出口/ B出口)
T:+2827 2677
E : abmskin@gmail.com

Service Hours

Mon, Tue, Thu, Fri , Sat 10:30AM - 02:00PM and 03:00PM -07:30PM
Wed 10:30AM - 02:00PM







1.保妥適Botox    2.Restylane®皮膚填充劑   3.Sculptra®及聚左乳酸
4.激光美白去印療程   5.SPECTRA炭粉激光收毛孔、油脂分泌療程
6.Golden Laser Facial   7.Cutera血管性激光治療   8.Refirme雙極射頻療程
9.高能聚焦超聲波技術HIFU (High-Intensity Focused Ultrasound)   10,二氧化碳激光
11.Matrix分段式雙極射頻   12.激光脫毛   13.LV血管激光治療   14.熱灼
15.皮下幼針切痕法(Subcision)   16.離子導入技術   17.Gardasil加衛苗





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